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The Vital Importance of Identity

The Vital Importance of Identity

I have come to understand the vital importance of identity in our lives. It’s one of the most defining issues in determining the ultimate success of an individual. How we see ourselves, how we see our capabilities and how we see our role in this world are some of the most significant factors that shapes our existence. I’m not referring to how most of us would respond to these questions at the surface level. Rather, deep within us, where our core beliefs drive us at a sub conscience level, we have answered those questions. And we’ve done so in ways we aren’t fully aware. We tend to remain clueless about our answers unless we’ve invested a considerable amount of work in this area.

It is very difficult to live beyond our own perceived identity. In most cases, our self-imposed limitations are a larger factor in determining how far we we go and the successes we will experience than the external circumstances we might face throughout our lives.

Doing the deep work of your identity and bringing truth in where there may be false perceptions is vital to reaching our God-given potential.

Have you made an investment in this area of your life? If you haven’t, what’s keeping you from doing so?